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What's Special About Dr. Mitchell Corwin, D.C.!
Last update  ~ July 2024 ~        

What's New on My Website!      

  • Visual explanation of Dr. Corwin's treatment strategy (Flow Chart) {new}
  • History of Applied Kinesiology as told by founder Dr. George Goodheart {new}
  • Make an Appointment (please text [510-367-8475] for quickest response)
  • Nearly everything else  . . .
Website design by
 Mitchell Corwin 2008-24
Dr. Mitchell Corwin, D.C. provides complimentary/alternative health care using a method called Neural Organization Work (N.O.W.)  This work is based in Applied Kinesiology, which utilizes muscle testing as a functional neurological assessment tool.
Office Locations
Returns to Main Menu
Pleasant Hill
1924 Oak Park Blvd
office of
 Dr. John Erdmann
OakPark Shopping Mall
(510) 845-3246
Berkeley Office
2914 Domingo Ave
across from the 
Claremont Hotel
Primary Office Location
(510) 845-3246
Are your Vit. D levels adequate?
During the winter months increase your Vit D3 levels
My purpose is to address your health concerns swiftly and cost efficiently.
4450 Black Ave #E
office of
Dr. Grayce Stratton

(510) 845-3246
Sublease Office space
Craig's listing
San Rafael
710 C Street #9
office of
 Dr.Linda Berry
(new location 2023) 
(510) 845-3246