Although better breast screening tools are needed, there are options. The choices depend on your age and family history. The problems exist between distinguishing between a benign cyst filled with fluid and or condensed breast tissue ...or a malignant tumor comprised of malignant cells necessitating a biopsy.
- Women younger then age 50 generally with denser breast tissue make it difficult to read mammograms (x-ray). In this group, there is a 10% false positive and a 20% missed diagnosis.
- Women younger then age 50 it is recommended to obtain a Thermographic examination. Thermography is a new technology that does not involve x-ray radiation. The technique involves measuring aberrant heat patterns associated with the increased meatbolic activity of malignant breast cancers.
- Self Breast examination is always encourage and considered a simple and quick screening method.
- MRI scans are also useful but expensive. MRI scans provide greater detail about the water content of breast tissue however the weaknesses are that it has difficulty in distinguishing between benign cysts and malignant tumors.
- Ultrasound offers another option. It can distinguish between a benign fluid filled cyst and a malignant one but can not distinguish a benign growth of breast tissue and a malignant tissue. It weakness is poor detail.
- Blood testing for a cancer marker CA125 is also another option but has limited accuracy as a screening tool.
- New techiques on the horizon involve light dispersion anlysis.
- Under age 50 breast thermography is an optimal choice.
- Over age 50 mamography is an optimal choic.
- If one recieves a positive finding utilize additional tests above before biopsy and aggressive therapies.
Know your options for Breast screenings
Locations for Thermography
Prevention Tips
- Reduce or eliminate Coffee and caffeine products
- Eliminate cigarette smoking
- Eliminate bad saturated fats /fried foods
- Reduce or eliminate estrogenic products found in skin care and cosmetic products
- Reduce or eliminate soy and soy based products
- Minimize use of household petrochemical products
- Minimize use of household rubbing alcohol
- Be wary of hormone replacement therapies that do not balance progesterone with estrogen levels
- Obtain breast Thermography as directed especially if you are under age 50
- Self examination frequently
- Include ample fatty acids in your diet
- Include ample antioxidants in your diet